Founded in 2007,™ is a leading online resource for taxi information worldwide. Its mission is to provide the most accurate taxi fare calculator, comprehensive list of local taxi phone numbers, and taxi-related travel tips through its website and mobile applications.
TaxiFareFinder enables travelers to retrieve taxi rates and fare estimates through its unique and proprietary algorithm, carefully calibrated with local taxi rates and actual trip prices. It provides potential route maps, contact information for taxi companies, as well as additional useful taxi rules and tips.
TaxiFareFinder also offers online tools, such as the Taxi API and WordPress plugin, allowing taxi companies and travel authorities to provide their own fare estimates on websites or mobile applications.
To learn more about TaxiFareFinder, visit and follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (
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If you are a taxi company, you probably have referred many of your customers to If so, thank you. If you currently link to us, you may want to try this custom Taxi Fare Calculator. On this page, users will see your company logo and one taxi dispatch # listed...yours!
We are compiling a number of logos, graphics, and screenshots for your use. Please click here.